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In July and August we are open from Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the creation of this page.

Especially ,

For the design of the site and the texts, Gerald de Hemptinne (FRB), Samuel De Backer (Typi Design), Ombline de Bridiers, Sonia Meys, Jean-Guillaume Renson, A. B. de L ...

For the photos, Guy Focant, Gregory Pontanus, Francis Bonaert,  the contributors to Wikipedia, Ombeline de Bridiers, Sonia Meys, Jean-Guillaume Renson, A. B. de L. ...

Last but not least, the Laubespin-Lagarde Fund of the King Baudouin Foundation, which financed this new version of the site.